Interesting Health Bytes

GMO is Now Bio Fortified

GMO is now more hidden from the public

Take care to read your labeling carefully as it appears that GMO foods are being hidden from the consumer under the name of Bio Fortified.

And what of PFAs? These synthetic substance chemicals are often used in no-stick and stain-resistant products. They can now be found everywhere, from pizza boxes to the carpet in your home.

PFAs are often called “forever chemicals” because they persist in the environment. They are currently allowed in every state except Hawaii and are found in an array of items you would never expect – like furniture, waterproof clothing, food packaging, plastics, even dental floss.

New independent testing revealed that more than 100 packaging products from US restaurants and grocery stores had PFAs. Even stores that are considered healthier, like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s had the chemical present in their food packaging.

These “forever chemicals” were found in French Fry bags, burger wrappers, salad bowls, paper plates, and even fiber trays.

PFAs have been linked to health issues like immune system suppression, lower birth weight, and increased cancer risk. Packaging made from PFAs often resembles paper or cardboard but is smooth and oil-resistant. PFAs can contaminate water and soil when they end up in landfills and when they are burned, the chemical becomes airborne.

Great, huh?

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