Natural Protocols

Fast and Easy Skin Care

Your skin is the largest organ in the body. We all have our favorite lotions, cleansers, and even shampoos, but do we ever stop to think about what’s in these products? Most of our favorite name-brand products contain harsh chemicals that can impact our health. If you put dangerous ingredients on your skin, they get into your body — exactly where you don’t want them.

The process of developing and marketing a skin care product is somewhat mysterious. You might think there are regulations in place to keep everyone honest but, believe it or not, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t have to approve what ingredients are added to personal care products. If a company says an ingredient is safe, that’s basically a carte blanche card.

However, many of the so-called “safe” ingredients in commercial skin care products are endocrine-disrupting phthalates or parabens. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals can cause reproductive issues and they’re linked to increased cancer risk. The more you’re exposed to them, the more they concentrate in your body.

By switching to natural and organic skin and hair products, your body (your liver specifically) is given a much needed break from the toxic barrage and can aim itself towards healing.

When researching a non toxic hair or skin product, look for these specs:

  • Free of harmful chemicals, irritants, or preservatives
  • Non-allergenic
  • Carefully formulated with all natural, organic ingredients
  • GMO-free
  • Never tested on animals
  • Vegan and plant-based

Here are some of our favorites: Natural Teeth Cleaner, Kaolin Clay for Teeth


Whisper of Silk

Beautiful Skin and Hair with Rosehip Oil

Natural Essential Oil Bar Soap

Natural Shampoos and Conditioners


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